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Mysterious Pelican Appears on Florida Beach

Mysterious Pelican Appears on Florida Beach

On a balmy day in December, a pelican appeared on a Florida beach much to the surprise of beach-goers. The bird was initially spotted by two sisters who were walking along the shoreline near their home in St. Petersburg. While the sisters observed the pelican, they weren't sure what to make of it since they had never seen one in that area before.

More people started to gather around the bird as it stood there motionless on the sand. Some people took pictures and others filmed the pelican while trying to figure out what it was doing there. One man even thought that the bird was injured since it wasn't flying away or moving around.

After a few minutes, the pelican finally took flight and everyone cheered with excitement. It was a beautiful sight to see and it made for a very unusual Christmas Day story. No one could explain where the pelican had come from or why it had chosen that particular spot on the beach to rest.

It's still a mystery as to where the pelican came from and why it decided to visit that particular stretch of coastline. Some people have suggested that it might have been blown off course during a storm, but there's no way to know for sure. Whatever the case may be, it was certainly an unexpected surprise for all those who witnessed it!

Pelican Found Wandering in a Connecticut Parking Lot

A large, brown pelican was found wondering around in a Connecticut parking lot this week. The bird is believed to have escaped from a nearby sanctuary and was apparently lost for quite some time before being discovered.

The pelican was spotted by a woman who was leaving work one evening. She noticed the bird hobbling around and initially thought it was just a large seagull. When she got closer, she realized that it was in fact a pelican and quickly called animal control.

Officials from the sanctuary arrived at the scene shortly thereafter and were able to safely capture the pelican. They believe that he had been lost for at least a day or two and may have even been trying to find his way back home.

This isn't the first time that a pelican has made headlines for wandering into an unusual location. Last year, a pelican was spotted inside of a Walmart in Texas. And in 2014, another pelican made its way into a liquor store in Massachusetts.

Pelican Spotted Swimming in Boston Harbor

On a sunny day in Boston Harbor, there was a spottily pelican swimming about. This pelican was quite the sight to see, as they are not often seen this far up north. Swimming through the harbor, the pelican went from buoy to buoy, seeming to enjoy the cool water on this hot day.

Pelican Found Knocked Out on a California Beach

In what is believed to be a first for the West Coast, a pelican was found knocked out and injured on a California beach on November 13th.

The bird was spotted by a local resident near the intersection of Ocean Avenue and Miramar Avenue in Santa Monica. It is not clear how the pelican got there, but it is speculated that it may have been struck by a car or hit its head on something.

Thankfully, there were some good samaritans close by who were able to help get the bird back onto its feet. They also contacted the Santa Monica Animal Control office, which sent someone to pick up the pelican and transport it to the Wildlife Waystation, a rescue center for wild animals located in Sylmar.

Pelicans are large seabirds that can weigh up to 20 pounds. They are common along the West Coast of North America, where they feed on fish and marine invertebrates.

It is not yet known if the Santa Monica pelican will make a full recovery, but Wildlife Waystation workers say they are hopeful. In any case, it's a good reminder to be alert when driving near coastal areas as accidents like this can easily happen.

rehabilitated pelican released back into the wild

A pelican that was rehabilitated after being found with a fishing net wrapped around its neck has been released back into the wild.

The pelican, which is believed to be about two years old, was spotted at Mullaghmore Head in County Sligo on Wednesday.

It is understood that the bird had been caught in a fishing net for some time and was brought to the Irish Wildlife Trust's (IWT) centre in Mountshannon, County Clare for rehabilitation.

The IWT said it was great to see the pelican return to the wild after successfully being rehabilitated.

"This is a magnificent bird and it's fantastic to think that we've helped it recover and be returned to its natural environment," said IWT Volunteer Coordinator Nuala O'Donoghue.


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